Clamcleat® CL222 is an elegant design in aluminium with a silver or hard anodised fiinish. The rope drops down into the teeth. It can be fitted to all flat and curved surfaces, using rivets, countersunk (flathead) screws or bolts. CL204 can also be sewn, riveted or bolted onto webbing or fabric. -see downloads tab.
CL222 is available in two finishes:
1. CL222 has a silver stove enamel finish for a cost effective, high quality coating.
2. CL222AN has a hard anodised finish to give a hard wearing surface.
A smaller cleat is CL275, a larger one is CL254 - see below. A nylon version is the CL204. Using a CL802 Tapered Pad can aid rope alignment.
The CL222 has many uses on sailing dinghies, such as control lines and halyards. The downlaods tab has a leaflet about using the CL222 for dinghy halyards. Also used to grip rope as part of a tensioning tool for African drums.