12V Water Heater


Whale 12V Water Heater


Hot Water On the Go For Outboard Boats.

Unique 12 V Water Heater - Hot Water On The Go For Outboard Boats.

The S360EW is an electric only 12 V Water Heater brand new to the marine industry. Ideal for outboards the water heater connects to 12 V power supply meaning there is no need for a generator, inverter or shore power. The neat design of the water heater means it can fit in compact spaces and electric only means installation is no longer tied to the engine room. Rather the water heater can be fitted in the galley, transom or other storage spaces simplifying installation and allowing for more space on board.


The Water Heater has a rapid heat up time with hot water in less than an hour and is highly efficient with heat retention of up to 10 hours. The heater is ideal for use with deck showers and warming wet suits providing 3 Gals of hot water at a time.


With all Whale Water Heaters safety comes to the forefront and the 12V water heater is no different with integrated temperature and pressure valve plus a thermal cut-out and heat Indication output. The heater also has an integrated anode for longer life and the relay allows for switching at the helm for ease of use and control.


Orientation: Horizontal

Electric and Heat Exchanger: Electric only

Capacity (gal): 3

PSI: 75 psi

Exterior Material: White Epoxy

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